OMG Wellness Shots contain concentrated super-foods to help accelerate your healthy transformation. Ginger is incredible for reducing inflammation in our bodies. When inflammation becomes chronic it can turn to pain, premature aging and disease. Although inflammation is a natural response from the body, lots of us are going through life overly inflamed. We are stressed, sleep deprived, too busy, and eating foods that are empty of real nourishment.
Tired of feeling worn down, tired, achy, in pain, moody, sad, sick, swollen, old and depressed? Time for an OMG Wellness Shot! The benefits are endless.
The Goodness
- Apple
- Ginger
The Greatness
- Alleviates symptoms of arthritis
- Relieves pain
- Lowers inflammation
- Treats asthma (increased airflow)
- Protects against respiratory viruses
- Inhibits growth of cancer
- Lowers cholesterol
- Enhances fat digestion and absorption
- Beneficial for the digestive tract
- Prevents ulcers
- Anti-viral
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Loaded with Niacin, phosphorus and Vitamin C
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